League Rules & Regulations (2023/24)

Match Rules

  1. The league shall consist of multiple divisions, higher ranked divisions will play best-of-5 legs with lower ranked divisions playing best of 3 legs.
  2. The league games shall be 501, straight in, double out.
  3. Teams shall consist of 7 players. However, if a team does turn up with fewer players, the team with more players may select the same number of players to match.
  4. If a drawn player is not present by the start of the 5th Game a substitute must be named. That substitute once named must play.
  5. The away team will throw first in every game. The player throwing first will then alternate after each leg is completed until the game is won.
  6. The draw shall be carried out by the captains of each team (or their representatives).
  7. Matches are to commence by 8.30 pm and the home team should vacate the board by 8.15pm to allow the away team to practice.
  8. The home team shall provide a marker for all games, who should be ready to score promptly.
  9. Only darts remaining in the board at the end of the throw, and until the score has been called, will count.
  10. Bust rules apply.
  11. The board shall be a London dartboard with a staple-free bulls-eye and must not have a rounded wire or tri-wire construction. All rulings regarding boards in any dispute will be done by the committee.
  12. The length of the throw and the height of the board shall conform to PDC rules, adequate lighting must be provided and a raised oche that is a minimum of 1” high must be used.

Points and Scoring

  1. Each game won, by either side, will earn one point and 2 bonus points will be awarded to the winning team.
  2. The team with the most points at the end of the season will be adjudged champions of their respective division.
  3. If two or more teams attain the same number of points, game difference will be taken into account. Should this fail to separate the teams, their head-to-head results will be taken into account. If neither of the instances above are successful in determining a champion, there will be a play-off. This will be played at a neutral venue and will be played in the same format as the teams’ division.
  4. Both teams are responsible for submitting results and statistics. Results should be submitted on the South Manchester Darts League Facebook page within 72 hours of the match (by Sunday 12 pm). Any team failing to do so will be deducted 1 point per failure.

Gallon Competition

  1. Each division has a Gallon competition that takes place prior to the games shall be one leg of 1001 pairs in the best of 5 divisions and 3 legs of 501 in the best of 3 divisions, all legs are straight in, double out.
  2. The home team will throw first.
  3. 2 points are awarded for a win.
  4. Teams with more than 7 players must use players not selected for the league game in the Gallon game, for those teams with 8 or fewer players the player not playing in the team and the last player (or players when there are 7 or less) from the draw must play the Gallon.


  1. Regular meetings may be held if needed, to be attended by all team captains (or their representatives). All teams must have a Representative at the league’s AGM in order to be included in the following season’s fixtures.
  2. On occasion, when it is felt that there should be a meeting, the committee will call one.
  3. When a team is not represented at a meeting and no apology for absence has been received by the committee, a 9-point deduction shall be applied to the team.
  4. Only 1 apology per team will be permitted in any season. Any non-attendances in excess of this will be subject to a 9-point deduction as detailed in Meetings Rule 3.
  5. Team captains may from time to time be asked to vote on behalf of their team on league matters as much time as possible will be given for consultation with teams.


  1. Teams must make every effort to raise the required team for each fixture. If this is not possible, then the following options are available:
    • Play the fixture with at least 4 players – ‘bye’ games will be automatically awarded to the opposing team.
    • Agree to a postponement of the match with the opposing captain and the committee at least 48 hours in advance of the fixture.
  2. No game may be postponed without committee approval.
  3. Only two games may be postponed, per team, during a season and only one game per team is allowed to be outstanding at a time regardless of the team that has postponed it.
  4. Failure to attend a fixture, without agreed postponement, will result in the team attending being awarded the full 7 leg points and a £20 fine being levied to compensate the home venue for any refreshment that may have been provided.

Cup Competitions

NB. Rules 2-4 & 6-12 of the Match Rules apply to cup competitions

  1. The Team Knockout Cup (open to all divisions) will be best of 3 legs in all rounds till the Semi Final then it will be best of 5.
  2. The losing teams from the Team Knockout Cups will be entered into the Anne Millington/ Dave Yates Shield. This competition will be best of 3 legs throughout till the Final then it will be best of 5.
  3. All rounds of each cup, up to and including the quarter-finals, will be played at the home team’s venue as per the cup draw. Semi-finals and finals will be played at a neutral venue to be decided by the committee.
  4. Team captains in the semi-finals and finals of all cup competitions must toss a coin to decide the throw. The winner of this toss will throw first in games 1, 3, 5 & 7 and must also mark these games, with the remainder of the games being started and marked by the other team.
  5. Players must have played at least 3 league or Cup games during the season to be eligible to play in the Semi-finals or finals in any of the cup competitions. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in the cup result being reversed if a win is gained.
  6. All cup games must be played on or before the designated date for the round.
  7. Both teams are responsible for submitting results as per rule 3 in Points and Scoring.

Individuals, Pairs, and Competitions

NB. Rules 2, 3 & 10-12 of Match Rules apply to all individuals and pairs competitions

  1. Any player taking part in the singles or pairs must have played at least one league game during the season.
  2. There will be separate singles competitions for the best of 5 divisions and the best of 3 divisions.
  3. Players from the best of 3 divisions can choose to take part in the best of 5 competition but are not allowed to enter both.
  4. The pairs competition will combine all divisions and will be best of 3 until the quarter-finals, the semi-finals and final will be best of 5.
  5. . Players in the singles and pairs shall bull-off to decide who throws first in odd-numbered legs. The player named first on the draw sheet shall throw for bull first.
  6. In the singles and pairs competitions, the loser of the previous game is responsible for the marking of the next game on the board. If they feel unable to do this, they should find a replacement marker promptly. Failure to do so may result in the committee taking action against the player involved.
  7. For the Over 50’s competition, the format will be 501 best of 3 until the quarter-finals, the semi-finals and final will be best of 5.
  8. For the Ladies’ competition, the format will be 501 best of 3 on the qualifying night with the quarter-finals onwards played as best of 5.


  1. The executive committee is invested with the power to investigate and deal with any matter not covered by these rules, and to ensure that the laws of the game are upheld.
  2. Any disputes should be raised to the committee within 72 hours.
  3. Player Registration sheets should be submitted prior to the start of the season and all teams are required to have a minimum of 7 players signed on at the time of the season’s AGM.
  4. New players can be registered at any point up to the first fixture after halfway. Captains must register new players with a member of the committee before they play, whether they are registered by a phone call, a Facebook message, text, or email, they should be acknowledged. If on a match day, this must be by 8 p.m.
  5. Teams may apply to the committee for special dispensation to sign players if required. Committee members cannot authorise additional players for their own team.
  6. Players who have registered and played for a team in any division or competition in the South Manchester 501 Darts League will not be permitted to transfer to another team during the same season.
  7. Any team playing unregistered players will be deducted 2 points per match that the unregistered player(s) took part in.
  8. Subscriptions should be paid in full by the halfway point of the season. No points will be awarded after this time until full payment has been made. Players from teams who have failed to pay their subscriptions will not be permitted to enter the singles or pairs competitions and will owe 10% of the team’s outstanding balance before being allowed to rejoin the league in a future season.
  9. Any players found guilty of using violent conduct, excessive gamesmanship or otherwise abusive behaviour, either online or in person will be banned from playing in all competitions for a length of time to be determined by the committee.
  10. If a team intends to move venue, for whatever reason, the team will be adjudged to be unchanged in regards to their league position, etc, providing that there are at least 5 of the original team still playing for the new venue.
  11. If a team withdraws from the league at any time during a season, any points gained from games with this team shall be null and void. Any outstanding subscriptions must be paid and the team will not be allowed re-entry into the league until all outstanding monies are paid.

Committee Roles and Responsibilities


Assumes full responsibility for the operation of the league, the resolving of disputes and the enforcement of rules. Is responsible for outgoing communication from the league.

The Chairperson has voting rights on the committee.

The Chairperson also has the Option to Co-op people in for League issues and Disputes if needed.

Results Secretary

Is responsible for maintaining league tables and statistics as well as any record-keeping for the league. The Results Secretary has voting rights on the committee

Competitions Secretary

Is responsible for fixtures and all competitions (Cups, Individuals, Pairs etc.). The Competitions Secretary has voting rights on the committee.


Assumes responsibility for all league finances, dispenses league funds as approved by the committee, reports on the status of league funds and keeps league books and financial records. The Treasurer has voting rights on the committee.

Committee Members

Committee Members have voting rights on the committee and may be required to assist during league competitions and events.
All Committee members are responsible for passing on any league communication received to the rest of the group and no decision made by an individual member or members without prior discussion by the full committee will be ratified by the league.

League Rules & Regulations (2023/24)